Holding Tea
The Holding Tea Podcast
A Book Won't Kill You.

A Book Won't Kill You.

An individual, a community, a country with the opportunity to begin again. Holding Tea In El Salvador

Pulling into El Salvador I was full of curiostiy, aware of the dichotomy that it was formerly one of the most dangerous countries in the world with a higher murder rate than active war zones and also that recently it had become one of the safest places in the world. What happened in this place?

Crossing the border from Guatemala was uneventful. There was no noticeable change from one country to the next—apart from the roads. El Salvadors Roads are nice, the kinda pavement that beckons to the heart of every motorcyclist. Perfect corners and what seemed to be fresh asphalt for kilometres. As the journey deepened into the country on route to Santa Ana, little clues of the miraculous change of the last two years became more evident. Sprinkled throughout towns and the country side were signs of recent development - fresh concrete, vibrant paint jobs, new stores, new cars, smiling humans.

Arriving in Santa Ana and checking into hostel Casa Coco, I met a man named Alex at the front desk who was vibrating with positivity. His English was perfect and we struck up a conversation. I asked him if this was his place and his demeanour lit up even more. “Yes, yes it is”

Over the next two days we struck up several more conversations about entrepreneurship, struggle, his story of life growing up in El Salvador, and the spirit that possessed him. Each time I left inspired, having learned some nugget of truth about what it means to be human.

I stood alone outside smoking a cigarette day dreaming. Over the last 6 years, my media consumption had been a constant stream of podcasts, no Netflix, no television, barely any social media. In many chats with close friends, the desire to start one of my own had been expressed. Fear stifled action repeatedly; yet the old idea came forward again. With no pause, I walked in and asked Alex: “Would you like to do a podcast and tell your story?”.

What came about is this recording. Episode one.

With gratitude -
Mackie TVM

Thanks for Listening to episode one of the Holding Tea podcast! We had an absolute blast recording and I found a lot of benefit and inspiration in Alex’s story. If you do to perhaps pass it along to someone who’d benefit. Have a great rest of the day.


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Holding Tea
The Holding Tea Podcast
In a world full of gossip and comparison, Holding Tea is an effort to tell our own stories - the terrible beauty of an individual's life from their perspective. The trials, the loses, where we came from and where we are going.
Perhaps if we speak more of our own journey, we can come to fall in love with this life that we are living.
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Mackie Vatter-Martineau